Porcelain Veneers Near You
Do you have damaged, discolored, gapped, misaligned, misshapen or otherwise imperfect teeth in your smile? Wishing there was an affordable, versatile and effective dental treatment option to conceal your imperfections and improve your smile? At Caring Dental Services Pompano we are happy to offer porcelain veneers in Pompano Beach for our patients that have dental imperfections and are interested in concealing and improving their smile. Wondering if veneers near you would be the best option for you and your smile? Feel free to schedule a consultation with Caring Dental Services Pompano, we would be happy to get you on our schedule.

About Porcelain Veneers
Porcelain veneers are actually thin shells, made from porcelain that are designed to look and feel much like a natural tooth crown. Due to the fact they are made from porcelain, our dental veneers look translucent and real, just like a natural tooth would. Porcelain is also stain resistant, meaning your smile will stay bright and white, without teeth whitening treatments. Porcelain veneers are also extremely durable, meaning with proper care they can last for many years. Dental veneers are bonded directly to the front of the teeth, completely concealing any imperfections and leaving the patient with a smile they’ve always dreamed of.
Why Dental Veneers?
When it comes to cosmetic dentistry and concealing imperfections, dental veneers are one of the most versatile and affordable options available. From damaged and discolored teeth to misaligned and misshapen teeth, dental veneers can be used to conceal virtually any imperfection. Dental veneers can also be easily repaired in the event you damage a veneer.
Getting Porcelain Veneers
Getting porcelain veneers in Pompano Beach is a quite simple process. First, you will be provided with an evaluation, determining whether you are a candidate. Next, your teeth will be prepared, minor amounts of enamel and tooth structure will be removed. Impressions will then be taken so that your new smile can be fabricated. Once fabricated, your dental veneers will be bonded directly to the front of your smile.
Schedule Your Porcelain Veneers Consultation Today
If you have been interested in receiving a smile makeover and would like to determine if porcelain veneers are the best option for you, contact our Pompano Beach dental clinic today to schedule a consultation. We can’t wait to treat your smiles!